Skupina SANY, založená v roce 1989, se stala nadnárodní společností, která sleduje vizi „budování prvotřídních podniků, podpory prvotřídních talentů a prvotřídních příspěvků společnosti“. Od svého založení se SANY snaží vybudovat globální značku a stát se předním výrobcem zařízení.
SANY Group provozuje 13 výrobních komplexů v Číně, USA, Německu, Indii, Brazílii a Indonésii. Naše prodejní a servisní síť pokrývá více než 150 zemí a regionů. SANY Group má tři kotované společnosti: SANY Heavy Industry a SANY Renewable Energy, kotované na Shanghai Stock Exchange, SANY International Development Ltd., kotované na Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
Since 1989, SANY’s vision to build a first-class enterprise, to foster first-class employees, and to make first-class contributions to society has never wavered. We have focused on delivering value to customers, employees, shareholders, and the public by offering high-quality products and services. In the past three decades, we have expanded our business to a wide range of areas, including construction and mining equipment, port machinery, oil drilling machinery, and renewable wind energy systems. We keep exploring more possibilities to expand our reach and innovate our way of doing business as well as to raise the standard and answer the call for new market needs.
SANY Europe offers a broad spectrum of powerful machines. The focus is on hydraulic excavators, harbour machines and harbour cranes. Each model is specially developed for the European market, which also means that all EU regulations and standards are adhered to.
On a site of 140,000 m2 in Bedburg, near Cologne, Germany, our employees are highly professional, focused and enthusiastic about their work. The result: A unique combination of first-class quality, technology and premium service. Thanks to modern standards and machines, we act efficiently and effectively. You benefit from consistently high quality and thus the greatest possible safety in all parts – the five-year warranty
* speaks for itself.* For all participating trade partners
Od roku 1989 vize SANY vybudovat prvotřídní podnik, podporovat prvotřídní zaměstnance a prvotřídně přispívat společnosti nikdy nezakolísala. Zaměřili jsme se na poskytování hodnoty zákazníkům, zaměstnancům, akcionářům a veřejnosti nabídkou vysoce kvalitních produktů a služeb. V posledních třech desetiletích jsme rozšířili naše podnikání do široké škály oblastí, včetně stavebních a těžebních zařízení, přístavních strojů, strojů na těžbu ropy a obnovitelných systémů větrné energie. Stále zkoumáme další možnosti, jak rozšířit náš dosah a inovovat náš způsob podnikání, stejně jako zvýšit standard a reagovat na volání po nových potřebách trhu.
SANY Russia
Founded in 1989, SANY Group has become a multi-national company that is pursuing the vision of “building first-class enterprises, fostering first-class talents, and making first -class contributions to society”. Since its establishment, SANY is striving to build a global brand and become an industry leading equipment manufacturer.
SANY Group operates 13 manufacturing complexes located in China, U.S.A., Germany, India, Brazil and Indonesia. Our sales and service network covers over 150 countries and regions. SANY Group has three listed companies: SANY Heavy Industry and SANY Renewable Energy, listed in Shanghai Stock Exchange, SANY International Development Ltd., listed in Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
Since 1989, SANY’s vision to build a first-class enterprise, to foster first-class employees, and to make first-class contributions to society has never wavered. We have focused on delivering value to customers, employees, shareholders, and the public by offering high-quality products and services. In the past three decades, we have expanded our business to a wide range of areas, including construction and mining equipment, port machinery, oil drilling machinery, and renewable wind energy systems. We keep exploring more possibilities to expand our reach and innovate our way of doing business as well as to raise the standard and answer the call for new market needs.
SANY Russia
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